Instructor- Stefanie-4pm
HOT, HOT and more HOT!! Wow, I cooked from the inside out, this class was busy and the humidifier kept right on rolling..!But it was great to see a big crew of regulars and teachers and staff taking part in the first class of the new year. Candice was in front of me, giving me motivation to keep some endurance during the standing series, her standing bow is amazing, I have noticed how far she has come in such a short period of time, she is still the first and foremost guru for me, truly inspiring to see her postures and the depths she has managed to drive herself into with such strength and determination. However, my kidneys are still in pain and the last half of the class unfortunately was almost unbearable for me that I had to leave the class briefly to grab air and a state of sanity.
Elaine is my 'full lungs' lady and it gets me smiling every time but she said something that really brought a profound impact on my lack of motivation lately. Elaine quoted Bikram stating "you have to listen to your body within" for it will tell you what you need to hear. As my challenge comes to an end within a week, my body is expressing itself in many forms and as much as I have wanted to continue after 100 days, I feel it is necessary to take a break for a brief period of time. As much as these classes can give you strength, they can also make you aware of where your limitations are and I cannot feel bad for taking a short break, I can only feel proud that I have accomplished something I never thought I could.
Before and After
9 years ago
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