Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 9 (129)-February 9th (Tuesday)

Instructor- Candice-4pm

After a bit of a struggle emotionally, it was nice to take Candice's class, she is my rock~never changing but always transforming me into something stronger. The class was smaller than usual but I felt quite comfortable and the postures came fluidly, every one's energy seemed to be right in sync. One thing I don't think I have mentioned about Candice is her insistence on incorporating the importance of everyone being in sync during class, especially during the balancing series and the triangle, even during the half-tortoise and camel; it never fails that she expresses the importance of unison. Unison in these classes, does in fact, create energy, we can absorb other's energy thus retaining motivation.

As much as I enjoyed the class, I'm starting to feel a little bit on the outside, looking in on the other students. I feel like I have alienated myself so much lately because I have been pretty much trying to stabilize my emotions, trying to keep some mental peace.


  1. Hi! I am a journalism student and I'm working on a story for class about Bikram yoga. I stumbled across your blog in my search and I was hoping I could talk to you about your experiences. My email address is I'd really love to talk to you about your experiences, and I hope to hear from you soon!

  2. I'm always watching to see if you're at the classes that I'm at, so know that even though you might feel lonely - I'm always kinda hoping that you're around. I'm pretty certain that others feel the same way.

    But, it's okay to need to pull inside from time to time when you're hurting. We are all there at different times and for different reasons.

    Sending you many hugs and positive thoughts.
