Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Day 16-December 16th (Wednesday)

Instructor- Stefanie-1245pm
It's interesting to listen to new teachers fresh out of training to gain insight into the experience they had and whether they recommend the training or not. As with the other teachers I have talked to, Stefanie had nothing but positive praise even if they were in a tent out in the desert to train lol. What really left a mark on my brain was her reply "You should really go if you have such a passion for it, even if you don't continue as a teacher, go for yourself you gain so much beneficial mental and spiritual awakening". Stefanie is a calm soul with strength and elegance to her practise and I was curious to see if she could bring some power to the dialogue; not only did she hold her own, she gave me much guided motivation to drive deeper into the postures where I might not have had the energy mentally to do so.
My lower back has been giving me some trouble lately, just a bout of stiffness and it holds me back from wanting to stretch deeper in back moon, cobra and camel. My half locust (with both legs extended) as well as my floor bow have been quite strong lately that I catch myself smiling rather than grunting after the postures lol. Stefanie is a treasure and it is nice to have a new addition to the wonderful staff.

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