Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 10 (or 100)-January 10th (Sunday)

As I walked to the studio, I was feeling a bit anxious, a bit nervous and anticipating what the night would bring. I could not have imagined that there would be such an amazing turnout of new students, regulars and instructors! Carol taught two classes in Richmond and still managed to come out for my 100, it had me in tears, and the biggest smile was from seeing Frank come to celebrate my hundred. Thank you's go out to ALL for making it an exceptional class and I am proud to have practised beside Candice♥
So here's a bit of an idea of what the class looked like: 57 students with strong leaders like Candice, Frank, Leo, Rachael, Carol and myself right up front and Hillary's strong voice empowering such a magnetic energy in all of us that I had some of my strongest postures I have had in probably weeks or months. No humidifier was needed, for the humidity rose quick enough by triangle but we were all still on board laughing and breathing!
The full locust was difficult to accomplish with everyone so closely knitted beside one another so my arms were already raised but regardless it was such a fun filled time.
Side Note- funniest moment was when Hillary told us that we had a student in there with a broken leg, "if he can come in here with a broken leg and do it , so can you"~

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